
#tbt To the you that you were yesterday, last week, last month, and last year. Now take that base and expand on it!


💋We are truly our biggest supporter and enemy! We second guess our abilities, hide from challenges, and at times take the easy way out! WHY!! Why are we doing this to ourselves?? 


💋Everyday that you wake up... You are supplied with a new slate to go to the next level? Are you living the life that you want? Are you utilizing your time? Are you keeping your goals in mind? Are you striving to be the best you? and Overall, do you feel you are worth having the best out of life? 


💋First, I want you to start with the last question and guess what? You are HELLA worth it... Every desire, Every need, Every goal, Every smile, Every breath, Every ounce of love and Every Sweat!


💋To move to the next level... you truly have to build self love and confidence. In the end... you need to be your greatest supporter and biggest motivator. Of course you will have friends and family to support you.... but they will not always be there to help push you to the next level.... That is the time when you have to look inside and remember you are worth it. 


💋My Loves.. You are all beautiful inside and out. If there are things about yourself or life that you don't like... Work to change it, don't complain, don't whine.. Get up and make a difference... If you are not moving to the next level.. You are not putting in enough work... You can't blame anyone, but yourself...


👍With that said! Get up and rock life people! 

Smile.. Love... Challenge yourself and others.. 




🤔Remember nothing happens overnight, but persistence will bring you closer to your goals one day at a time!


👌Do it for yourself!! Look in the damn mirror and see that beauty smiling back...


Long post I know... But if you made it to this point... You are ready to go to the next level! 😍😘


Much Love! XoXo


Side Note: This post was inspired by Steve Cooks YOU vs. YOU shirt 😍



melissa bates