Walnut Flour Hamburger Bun

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Walnut Flour Hamburger - inside ingredients ( Pollock fish/ Mushrooms/ Cherry Tomatoes/ Leafy Greens/ Cilantro & Mustard) and a side of Cucumbers Fries 🍟 to the rescue 😍😍😍 ... This is officially my favorite new Gluten Free Flour at the moment! So damn Moist! I can't wait to continue playing around with it..

📝 Side Note: You can buy Walnut Flour/Meal or blend your own from whole walnuts! 😀 same with Almonds/ Flax Seeds/ Oats... etc DIY

Recipe Below:
40g - Walnut Flour
1 - Whole Egg
30g - Egg Whites
Pinch - Baking Powder
Dill Seeds

1. Heat your oven to 177C / 350F
2. You will need two bowls
3. In a bowl... separate the egg whites & Yolk
4. Pour the walnut flour and baking soda into the bowl w/ the yolk. Mix well
5. Beat your egg whites to stiff peaks
6. Mix the egg whites slowly into the yolk batter. Make sure there are no egg whites unmixed
7. Sprinkle dill Seeds on top
8. I used a 5inch springform pan
9. Bake for 20 mins and then enjoy 🤗

melissa bates